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  3. Airports

Improving outcomes for highly complex projects

Airports in all regions of the world are authorizing tremendous amounts of capital for the construction of new and improved assets to address increasing passenger demand, changing technological capabilities, and aging infrastructure. Complicated logistics, extensive security requirements, and a complex set of stakeholders make airport projects more challenging than their size or technology would suggest. Additionally, these projects are often subject to public and media scrutiny, especially when they exceed their cost and schedule targets and do not achieve their planned functionality. An increasing number of airports located globally have approached IPA to assess their project systems and correct system weaknesses. Because airport capital portfolios are so substantial, IPA’s expertise in driving and maintaining capital effectiveness makes significant cost savings possible for airports of all sizes.

Our Clients

We work with airports worldwide that plan and execute capital projects ranging from very small upgrades to megaprojects, covering a broad range of scopes:

What We Do

How We Help Our Clients

Key contact

View Pam Wertz’s profile

Pam Wertz

Chief Development Officer

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