Giving Back to our Local Communities

One of IPA’s founding principles is a commitment to fulfilling our social and ethical responsibilities to the communities in which we work. The easing of pandemic restrictions allowed IPA employees to return to in-person community service events at our offices across the globe in 2022. Throughout 2022, each IPA office participated not only in local efforts, but also a company-wide effort to support Ukraine. IPA matched donations from employees and raised funds for the Ukrainian Red Cross in early March 2022. Here are some highlights of the community service efforts by IPA’s regional offices last year:
IPA North America (Ashburn, Virginia)
The North America office focused on hunger relief in its community service efforts and held several events to raise money, including its annual chili cook-off and pumpkin carving contest, and a new ping pong tournament introduced last year. IPA donated all money raised to local organizations that fight hunger, including Mobile Hope of Loudoun, Loudoun Hunger Relief, and Food for Neighbors.
Other community service efforts included delivering meals to home-bound seniors, volunteering at the JK Community Farm to help grow produce for local food banks, and organizing a Toys for Tots drive to benefit local children in need.
IPA EMEA (Reading, UK)
The Europe, Middle East, and Africa (EMEA) regional office held a successful toy drive at Christmas for the Spotlight Charity, through which EMEA employees collected toys for disadvantaged children in the local area.
IPA Latin America (Curitiba, Brazil)
IPA’s team in Brazil is active in helping the less fortunate in their community year-round. Their charity events even draw in outside participation from neighboring offices. In 2022, the Brazil office focused on raising money for Capa dos Pobres, the Social Aid Foundation, and Nucleo de Apoio à Pessoas com Cancer do Paraná. The Brazil office organized and participated in several events, including blood and food drives, donating handcrafted chocolate eggs for Easter baskets, and organizing Christmas turkey meals, all of which benefited local families in need.
IPA Asia-Pacific (Singapore and Melbourne, Australia)
In 2022, the Asia-Pacific offices focused on raising money for muscular dystrophy, dementia, and the local food bank. Staff participated in a blood drive, stepping (walking) challenge, virtual 50- or 100-km team run/walk, and food drive. These efforts benefited the Muscular Dystrophy Australia, Asylum Seeker Resource Centre, HomeCare Assist Singapore, Dementia Singapore, and Foodbank Singapore organizations.