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Contract Strategies for Major Projects: Mastering the Most Difficult Element of Project Management

A New Book by Megaprojects Expert Edward Merrow

Having the right contract strategies in place is critical for owner organizations that invest large amounts of capital in major building/industrial projects. These organizations often outsource the engineering and construction work to contractor firms, but selecting the right contractor and negotiating the terms of major projects is one of the most difficult elements of project management. Mistakes made in the contracting stage—which are, unfortunately, all too common—cause major projects to be delayed by months or years, and cost millions more than budgeted. In Contract Strategies, Edward Merrow—the world’s leading expert on industrial megaprojects—shares the key principles of contracting that all those involved with planning and executing major projects should know.

Data-Driven Contracting Strategy Insights

Contracting presents challenges because it is one of the areas of project management that has traditionally relied on opinions rather than facts. Merrow tackles that problem head-on in this book by drawing on a proprietary detailed database of over 1,100 major projects to lay out the key principles of contracting for major projects.

“There are many texts on contracting, but none, as far as I know, that offer what this book does.”

John K. Hollman
Owner of Validation Estimating, LLC

Who Should Read This Book?

Contract Strategies is written primarily for owner and contractor project managers and team members, as well as supply chain executives and other business leaders involved in major projects. Additionally, engineers, leaders of industrial firms, bankers, and academics will find it to be a useful resource.

About Edward Merrow

Edward Merrow, Founder and Executive Chairman of Independent Project Analysis, Inc. (IPA), is a leading authority on the development and execution of large and complex projects. His knowledge of how to develop more effective capital projects is sought out by Fortune 500 company executives and project professionals worldwide. Contract Strategies is the latest in a series of books written by Merrow and published by Wiley. In 2011, Merrow focused on the approaches and practices that drive success in the most difficult of projects in Industrial Megaprojects: Concepts, Strategies, and Practices for Success. In 2018, he and co-author Neeraj Nandurdikar honed in on why sound practices are so often not followed in complex projects in Leading Complex Projects: A Data-Driven Approach to Mastering the Human Side of Project Management.

How to Order

Contract Strategies was released widely on December 13, 2022. Follow the links below to order from your preferred bookstore:

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Edward Merrow

Founder and Executive Chairman

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Edward Merrow

Founder and Executive Chairman