Offshore Decommissioning Competitiveness Study

Independent Project Analysis (IPA) is pleased to announce the launch of a multi-company study to update and expand Industry’s understanding of offshore decommissioning competitiveness and its drivers. This effort will pool project data to evaluate how global operators compare against industry norms and, more importantly, identify outcome root causes to improve future project performance.
Offshore decommissioning activity has increased significantly in recent years, driven by the energy transition and facilities and wells approaching their end of field life. While most past activity has taken place in shallow water, future decommissioning and abandonments are progressing to floating platforms, subsea installations, and deeper waters. Because of the frontier nature of these decommissioning activities, data availability and performance insights are limited. This study will add to IPA’s existing data, expand our database of global decommissioning activities, and provide participants with unique insights and performance norms to use in planning and performance improvement programs.
The study will address questions on decommissioning project outcomes, planning, and execution practices, including:
- What are the industry norms for decommissioning cost and schedule performance?
- How do performance norms differ by region?
- Do organizations have a defined process for end-of-field life and decommissioning planning?
- Which practices drive improved cost and schedule competitiveness?
- What specific industry lessons learned from past abandonment projects/programs can be used to improve the performance of future work?
- What project control tools are used in decommissioning activities? Are they sufficiently robust?
- Is there a difference in outcomes between large annual programs versus one-off projects?
With over 35 years of work in the E&P and other capital-intensive industries, IPA is uniquely qualified to collect, analyze, and present comprehensive findings and results to our clients while maintaining data confidentiality. We have conducted more than a dozen joint industry studies in the E&P industry on various aspects of capital projects.
To participate in this study, companies must contribute representative data from recently completed or ongoing (in execution) relevant facility or well decommissioning projects. Complete the web form below to learn more.