Business Engineering Alignment Meeting (BEAM)
What Is a Business Engineering Alignment Meeting?
A Business Engineering Alignment Meeting (BEAM) is a meeting between all key project stakeholders during Front-End Loading (FEL) 1 or early FEL 2. Independent Project Analysis (IPA) research in 2014 showed that projects using BEAM have significantly better cost and schedule predictability than those that do not. Since then, BEAM has been the widely accepted industry Best Practice used to achieve project stakeholder alignment. When applied effectively, a BEAM helps to prevent cost overruns, schedule overruns, and unrealized business needs.
IPA’s BEAM Solutions
IPA offers several BEAM solutions to help your organization streamline
stakeholder alignment:
- CREATE a BEAM matrix and workshop and integrate it into your organization’s existing work process.
- EVALUATE and build on your company’s existing BEAM.
- FACILITATE individual project BEAM workshops for companies when alignment on the hard questions is needed.
Key Benefits
- Ensure the business problem/ opportunity is clearly defined
- Achieve alignment between the business and project team on the project’s boundary conditions
- Drive enhanced performance and predictability
- Reduce time to execution by avoiding recycle during FEL
Fill the form below to learn more about how IPA’s BEAM solutions can help standardize stakeholder alignment and make it a repeatable process at your organization.
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Key contact
Deborah McNeil
Director, IPA Capital Solutions

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