
Capital Projects Market Intelligence

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Gain a Better Understanding of the Project Environment

Owner companies lack the global industry data to fully understand how regional factors affect capital project cost execution and performance. Powered by cost and schedule data from thousands of projects executed all over the world, IPA’s Capital Projects Market Intelligence helps organizations overcome regional uncertainty.

EPC Market Forecast

Exclusive Access to Price Trend Data and Insights

Since 2007, IPA’s EPC Market Forecast has forecast capital project price trends five years into the future for eight regions of the world. Published quarterly, owner companies use the information to properly time project expenditures and ensure accuracy of future escalation estimates. Company-level subscription enables sharing of each issue with all necessary stakeholders within the organization.

Regional Cost Studies

How Will Regional Costs Affect My Capital Project?

IPA conducts Regional Cost Studies to identify cost performance drivers in specific regions of the world. Clients have leveraged our expertise to better understand regional costs in Alaska, Brazil, Chile, China, Colombia, India, Singapore, the Middle East, Western Africa, Western Australia, Western Canada, and the U.S. Gulf Coast (USGC). What region causes uncertainty for your organization?

Regional Labor Market Intelligence

How Will Market Activity Affect My Capital Project Portfolio?

IPA’s Regional Labor Market Intelligence informs owner companies on regional construction labor demand, prevailing construction wages, and productivity data. Total capital investment, labor demand, and construction wage trends are forecast for up to five years to help owner companies make informed decisions at the portfolio level.

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View Shubham Galav’s profile

Shubham Galav

Deputy Director, Project Research Division, Cost Group

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