
Real-Time Performance & Leading Indicators

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Understand Where Your Projects Are and Where They Are Going

How accurate are your project system key performance indicators (KPIs)? How visible and robust are your measures of productivity? Do all levels of organizational leadership have a reliable view into projects? Do you have tools to summarize performance across the portfolio? Management needs tools that can keep up with the dynamic nature of projects and enable real-time diagnosis of performance and trends. IPA’s Digitalization team knows how to distill the complexity of project and system performance into metrics and tools that can convey performance in seconds.

Dashboards That Bring Project Performance to Life

Reports are useful for explaining results, but businesses and project leadership need information that is readily available and easy to understand. Dashboards are effective tools for conveying the performance of a project or portfolio in seconds. IPA develops project performance and system performance dashboards for all levels within project organizations. Using our knowledge of key project performance drivers, IPA can either develop custom dashboards for you or help you tailor existing dashboards to draw on live and accurate data to communicate real project performance to teams and leadership.

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View Deborah McNeil’s profile

Deborah McNeil

Director, IPA Capital Solutions

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