Optimizing Your Organization
Find solutions to your complex organizational challenges
Top tier project organizations achieve 10 percent better project cost performance than Industry. That equates to $10 million in savings on a $100 million project. How does your project organization compare? IPA supports companies in building and optimizing project organizations that drive capital success.
Organizational Effectiveness
Overcome Organizational Barriers to Success
The project organization is the foundation of capital effectiveness. If critical elements are missing or the organization is not able to fulfill its responsibilities, project teams cannot deliver successful projects. IPA’s Organizational Effectiveness assessment identifies current strengths, barriers to success, and how to leverage industry Best Practices within your organization.
Organizational Dynamics
Tap into Organization Perspectives
Project personnel are in the best position to understand the true status of the organization but often have no way to communicate their concerns. An organization that is misaligned or has many areas in which personnel are not confident cannot be effective or improve. IPA quantifies personnel perceptions of the project system’s health to identify specific organizational gaps that may impede capital effectiveness and improvement.
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