Build conceptual schedules, validate schedules, and validate cost estimates in minutes.…
Project Risk Analysis & Benchmarking
Empowering capital effectiveness improvement since 1987
Benchmarking is the first step for capital project systems to achieve predictability, drive competitiveness, and enable success. IPA has collected and studied detailed project data directly from owner organizations for decades, enabling us to determine empirical key performance indicators, and assess project and system performance relative to industry peers. We know what drives capital effectiveness and translate that knowledge into actionable intelligence that helps our clients improve the performance of their capital project systems, individual projects, and targeted functional activities.
Data-driven insights to deliver successful new technology commercialization projects.…
Assess the strength and feasibility of your project's business case…
Understand your project’s risks, readiness, and performance…

New Technology White Paper

Potentially thousands of new technology projects will be required over the next 25 years. Is your company prepared?
Let's Get Started
Talk with an expert about your project and how our data can drive your next success.